Terms and conditions
General terms and conditions of use of the ergo.entrac.ca website

Legal conditions

Mandatory information

The ergo.entrac.ca website is a service of:

  • Entrac Inc.
  • 1689, rue du Marais, Quebec, Canada G1M 0A2
  • NEQ: 1167032029
  • GST: 140752742
  • QST : 1017972011
  • elearning@entrac.ca
  • 1-877-621-5512

The purpose of these general terms and conditions of use is to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions for the provision of services on the ergo.entrac.ca site and their use by the “User”.

The general conditions of use must be accepted by any User wishing to access the site. They constitute the contract between the site and the User. Access to the site by the User signifies their acceptance of these general conditions of use.

In the event of non-acceptance of the general conditions of use stipulated in this contract, the User must renounce access to the services offered by the site.

Ergo.entrac.ca reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these general conditions of use at any time.


The purpose of this clause is to define the various essential terms of the contract:

  • User: this term designates any person who uses the site or one of the services offered by the site.
  • User content: this is the data transmitted by the User within the site.
  • Member: the User becomes a member when they are identified on the site.
  • Username and password: this is all the information needed to identify a User on the site. The username and password allow the User to access services reserved for members of the site. The password is confidential.


The site host for Entrac Inc. is PlanetHoster, one of the best North American companies, with reliable equipment and quality service.

The site is secure, i.e. the site has a valid private SSL certificate.

Terms of Service

This site has been optimized for current versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers.

The ergo.entrac.ca site is in principle accessible to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for interruption, scheduled or not, for the purposes of its maintenance or in the event of force majeure. In the event of impossibility of access to the service, ergo.entrac.ca undertakes to do its utmost to restore access to the service and will then endeavor to communicate to users beforehand the dates and times of the intervention. Being subject only to an obligation of means, ergo.entrac.ca cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the unavailability of the service.

The site is accessible free of charge anywhere to any User with Internet access. All costs borne by the User to access the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are their responsibility.

The non-member User does not have access to services reserved for members. To do this, they must identify themselves by using their username and password.

Course access management

When access is assigned to a participant, it is automatically deducted from the total number of access purchased. Once an access has been assigned, it cannot be reassigned to someone else.

Access to training content is for a limited time. After this time, access will expire and cannot be extended. Please consult the FAQs to find out the specific access duration for each training.


Ergo.entrac.ca strives to provide information that is as accurate as possible and the sources of the information published on the site are deemed reliable. Nevertheless, the site cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether by itself or by the third-party partners who provide it with this information. The information given on the site is for informational purposes only. Thus, the User alone assumes full responsibility for the use of the information and content of this site.

Hyperlinks and Third-Party References

Certain outgoing hypertext links are present on the site. However, the web pages to which these links lead, in no way engage the responsibility of ergo.entrac.ca, which has no control over these links.

The User therefore refrains from engaging the responsibility of the site concerning the content and the resources relating to these outgoing hypertext links.

Intellectual Property, Copyright and Usage Rights

The content of the site is protected by Canadian and international copyright laws.

The user undertakes not to record, reproduce, retransmit, distribute, sell, publish, communicate or disseminate the elements of the site, to make derivative works of them or to make them otherwise available without having obtained the written consent of Entrac.

The User undertakes to use the content of the site in a strictly private setting. Use of the content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Any content posted by the User is their sole responsibility. The User undertakes not to put online content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action brought by an injured third party against the site will be borne by the User.

The User’s content may be deleted or modified by the site at any time and for any reason. The User does not receive any justification and notification prior to the deletion or modification of User content.

Evolution of the contract

The site reserves the right to modify the clauses stipulated in this contract at any time.


The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract takes effect with respect to the User from the use of the service.

Terms of Sales

These general conditions of sale apply to all sales made on the ergo.entrac.ca website, subject to the specific conditions indicated in the presentation of the products.

Ergo.entrac.ca cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract concluded on the occasion of fortuitous event, force majeure, disruption, total or partial strike in particular of the postal services and means of transport and/or communications, flood, fire, acts of terrorism, acts of war. The supplier will not incur any liability for any consequential damages as a result of the present, operating loss, loss of profit, damages or costs, which may arise.

Ergo.entrac.ca may modify, suspend or stop the activities of the site or part of it, at any time, for any reason whatsoever, without obligation to notify its customers and without incurring its liability to you or anyone else.

To make a purchase and access the protected content of the site, “cookies” must be activated.

Essential characteristics of the products and services sold

The ergo.entrac.ca website sells online training.

The customer declares to have read and accepted the general conditions of sale prior to placing their order. The validation of your order is therefore valid for acceptance of the general conditions of sale.


The prices of our products are indicated in Canadian dollars and exclude taxes.


Products can be ordered directly on our website.

To place an order on our site, items must be chosen and added to the basket. The contents of the basked must be validated.

Method of payment is then chosen and the “acceptance of the general conditions of sale” box must be checked.

Payment must be validated.

Order confirmation will be sent via email to the address provided when creating the customer account.

The transfer of ownership of the product will only take place upon full payment of the order.

Payment terms

Only one method of payment is accepted: the consumer must pay by credit card. Online payment is secure.

Refund Policy

No cancellation or extension of access to products can be accepted. These purchases are considered final sales.


The User understands and accepts the pricing, regulations and all the clauses mentioned above.

Applicable right

Both this site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by Quebec and Canadian law regardless of the place of use. In the event of any dispute, and after the failure of any attempt to find an amicable solution, the Quebec / Canadian courts will have sole jurisdiction to hear this dispute.

For any questions relating to these terms of use of the site, you can write to us at the following address:  elearning@entrac.ca .

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